Sept. 23; Swiss Tour – Bern to Brienz
Michel & Raymonde wanted to take us on a tour of ‘suisse typique’ or typical swiss landscape and culture. We headed out on the Autostrade towards the German language area of central Switzerland towards Bern, the capital of the country. The highways here have regularly spaced automatic radar stations and everyone knows where they are, so the traffic slows predictably and flows smoothly even though the European drivers are crazy!

This is where Einstein lived in Bern from 1903 to 1905 and developed his Special Theory of Relativity.

Statuary, fountains and the famous clock decorate The Kramgasse ("Grocers Alley"), one of the principal streets in the Old City of Bern, the medieval city center of Bern.
Bern has an annual Onion Market on the 4th Monday in November that has become a crazy fun party where everything is onions!
We continued on to Thun at the west end of Thunersee (Lake Thun) and took a stroll to the local castle.
Continuing on past Interlaken (the town between the lakes) along Brienzersee (Lake Brienz) and past the town of Brienz (with a short stop there) we found our Bed & Breakfast near Brienzwiler, BnB Bifing. It is a working riding stable with eclectic accomodations and a restaurant overlooking the indoor and outdoor arenas.