October 5, 2023 – Patterns! (Day 8)

Happy Birthday to Pat! Enjoying her Birthday on an idyllic Greek island!

We decided to stay closer to our current home in Haruru, Northland, New Zealand. We drove the short 5km to Paihia Beach to stroll the beachfront and take in the sights. But first we had our leisurely breakfast and coffee and watched the tide come up the river estuary.

Our view of the bay, filled at high tide.

Down at the beach we walked and saw families enjoying the waterfront and kids playing in the sand and in the water.

The water was calm, but cool.

The sights in town included a reference to Zane Grey who visited the area in the 1920’s to do some sport fishing. He memorialized his fishing exploits in several books, putting Paihia on the map for international sport fishing!

Unbeknownst to us at the time is that our hosts at the Airbnb are decendants of the family that in 1887 started a sailing ship delivery service that eventually morphed into the sightseeing cruises on the Bay of Islands and the ferry between Paihia and Russell. The couple took on the task of commissioning this Marlin sculpture that is at the entrance to the ferry dock.

We walked the opposite direction over the bridge past the ship we can see in the distance from our Airbnb.

We can see with binoculars from the garden seat at the Airbnb that this is a permanently grounded boat.

On our walk back we can see why it is permanently grounded!

We had a picnic lunch and decided to head for a hike on the Paihia School Road Track in the Opua Forest, a cooler alternative than being in the sun on the beach! Up, up, up we hiked until we reached the outlook and enjoyed a semi-obstructed view of the Bay of Islands.Everywhere we walked today I saw patterns;

3 Responses to “October 5, 2023 – Patterns! (Day 8)”

  1. Lori R Says:

    You guys are going to be in GREAT shape when you get home after all the hiking!

  2. rmj Says:

    We hope so, but we’re also eating really good too!

  3. Sammy Says:

    The vegetation! I’m inspired!

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