March 29 Swim in the Sea (Day 184)

This morning Connie and Brendan invited us down to the beach for a mid morning swim. We quickly grabbed a few things and jumped in the cars and went down to the sea!

Marion Bay Beach from the wooden lookout deck. Bream Creek flows into the bay here.

We kicked off our shoes and walked barefoot in the warm buff sand and the cool seawater.

Eventually we found the spot to enjoy a swim. Connie and Brendan went in first and Robert followed.

The exuberance and joy of a dip in the clear cool ocean!

I got enough courage up and joined them, just as Connie and Brendan were heading back to the beach. It has been a long time since I’ve been in the ocean far enough to taste the salt water on my lips! It was cool, and it was great to lay back and float!

Scenes from the seaside. A Mom and her 2 young daughters left their gumboots at the dunes to walk barefoot on the beach!

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