April 14 Narawntapu National Park (Day 200)
We moved about an hour east today, to Narawntapu National Park, a rather remote park on the north coast between the Rubicon River estuary on the west and the River Tamar Estuary on the east. The weather was bright, sunny and warm, but windy! We chose the furthest campground on the washboard gravel road, at Bakers Point on a sandy peninsula that forms the east side of the Rubicon River estuary. We set up camp and went for a walk to explore the area.

A single sailboat was moored in the northeast arm of the estuary, protected from the winds blowing in from the sea.

We came up on a wallaby, seemingly unafraid of us, until it decided we were too close and bounded away!

When we rounded the bend of the peninsula the wind hit us full force! We decided to head back to camp, in the trees, protected from the wind!