July 24 Brno Cathedral (Day 301)

Late this afternoon we went for a walk and found the winding stairs and walkways up the hill to the Cathedral

This stairway has a fountain cascading down, for artistic effect I think.

We reached the top and walked all the way around the huge building, finally finding a spot to photograph it in its entirety!

It looks like it’s standing alone, but it isĀ  surrounded by lower buildings.

We made it around to the front, to find out it was closed for the day already.

So we found another ‘church’ nearby, an Irish Pub!

We’ve found Irish Pubs everywhere we’ve been! Guinness is universal!

Heading down the hill, looking back, the cathedral is bathed in the afternoon sunlight.

A pavilion below the cathedral is dominated by a slender obelisk with gilded lions. I learned later this area is called the Denisovy Gardens and the obelisk was erected in 1818 to commemorate the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the total defeat and exile of Napoleon Bonaparte.,

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