July 31 Kokkola (Day 308)
The weather has changed along with our latitude! It is cooler and we have a few days of rain predicted! A relief from the heat we were experiencing in southern and central Europe! We relaxed and took occasional walks. We discovered the ‘old town’ of Kokkola, a neighborhood called Neristan composing of about a dozen blocks of wooden houses from the 1800’s.

The houses are very orderly, built in a grid pattern.

The higher the rock foundation the more wealthy the home owner supposedly was. This building appears to have been a school for a long time.

From these pictures the school has been active since at least 1907!
Doors to the houses were not always on the street, narrow driveways between houses revealed courtyards, secret gardens and porches where I assume the door would be.

This courtyard has a picturesque old log shed.