August 30 London/Dublin ( Day 338)

Bright and early we were up and I was packed to head to Dublin, Ireland. Robert will stay near London while I join family in Dublin for a week of meeting Irish relatives and exploring ‘the old country’!

At Heathrow the souvenir shops have all things royal!

The flight from London took only an hour and I was able to wait at the Dublin airport for other family members who’s flight had been delayed by 2 hours! Finally we all connected, collected our rental car and met at our accomodation.

A model of the building where we stayed in the 2 story apartment above ‘Lowes Pub’ in Dublin. Quite by accident the Fallon siblings met in Dublin and stayed above the pub with the name of our maternal family moniker!

Despite the flight delay and the interminable wait for the car rental we had time to walk from our apartment into Dublin proper for dinner at The Brazen Head Pub, touted as Dublin’s oldest Pub!

On the way to dinner we passed 2 symbols of Ireland’s ‘religions’; whiskey distillery pot stills, and a church spire!

We strolled along the Liffey river as the sun set…

…and heard the clip-clop of horses pulling carriages on the cobblestone streets!

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