Native Palms March 12, ’09

Kofa is home to a grove of California fan palms, with maybe one or two other groves around the state, the only native palms in Arizona. We rode our motorcycles to Palm Canyon then hiked the 1/2 mile trail to the observation point and saw the palms about 1/2 mile up a steep, narrow side canyon. The habitat, although lush looking now with the spring growth from winter rains, seems very forbidding and rocky. Perhaps the narrowness of the canyon is a bonus, shading the trees from the intense sun for most of the day!

The palms, high up in a side canyon.

The palms, high up in a side canyon.

Looking back at the vista from Palm Canyon, the La Paz valley encompassed in the Yuma Proving Ground Military Reservation.

Looking back at the vista from Palm Canyon, the La Paz valley encompassed in the Yuma Proving Ground Military Reservation.

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