Jan. 16 – Kofa Queen Canyon
Today is the full moon! Before we saw the sun rise we had a beautiful view of the moon setting!

The moon setting in the west, behind the mountains flanking the Colorado River on the Yuma Proving Grounds.
After a good breakfast we headed north to the Palm Canyon Road and took a spur off of that into the Kofa Queen Canyon. Basically we were following a wash into this fantastic canyon . We bounced slowly along the road until we reached the end, the “Road Closed to Motor Vehicles to Protect Wilderness Values” sign. We continued on foot up a deeply rutted wash, apparently the road had continued on in the far distant past. We reached a hillside where the faint jeep tracks ran up, we followed them and looked down at the end of another road, the “Road Closed…” sign with its back to us!
On our way out of the canyon we stopped at the ‘arch’ along the wash.

The ‘arch’ looks pretty small, but the boulder is huge! We had to hike up to it, and had great views through the gap.