September 5, 2021 The Parks
Robert got out very early this morning to find us some coffee. He found the Dunkin’ Doughnuts/Baskin Robbins a block away was open early, and apparently an historic site now!After breakfast we walked the few blocks towards Lake Michigan, crossing over Lake Shore Drive (LSD) and were surprised to see not cars, but BIKES on the road!

It was incredibly QUIET too! The skyline of downtown Chicago in the background to the north.
We walked around ‘The Point’ as I know it, officially Promontory Point. Back in the day most of the Point was off limits because there was a military radar installation there for a nearby Nike Missile site in Jackson Park. I was aware of the radar site, but I didn’t know there were missiles so close! It was the Cold War era! Read more HERE. It was also a site for anti-war protests during the Vietnam War/Hippy era! The radar installation was removed by 1974.
After our walk down memory lane for me, we attended the wonderful wedding. Very casual, warm, fun and affirming! Congratulations Myriam & Carl!