February 26 Walk on the Beach (Day 152)

We did laundry this morning and hung some on the line outside and put some on a drying rack in front of the woodstove, still warm, but cooling down from the morning fire to take the chill off. After a hearty breakfast we headed down the hill to finally check out the beach! High tide had passed, but it was still 4 hours until low tide and there is a strong undertow!

The beach is pebbled with colorful rocks that are constantly tumbled in the surf. You can hear them rocking and rolling in the waves!

We walked down the beach until we could see our B&B up on the hillside. The big dark square building is the garage, to the left you can see the peak of the B&B with the woodstove pipe rising above the house. It’s about a half mile walk to the beach.

While Robert set up and flew the drone, I walked the beach and collected pretty rocks!Robert concentrated on the drone!I played with rocks!

The only rock I brought back from the beach, to add to the collection of heart-shaped rocks at the B&B!

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