August 13 Fauske (Day 321)
A lazy morning morphed into a glorious afternoon walk. We headed to the waterfront to explore the town.

Norwegian Rose marble is everywhere!

They have so much of it they can use it for erosion control along the waterfront!

Out on the water the large bird taking off might be a Sea Eagle that just tried it’s luck at fishing! Norway has a good portion of the world’s Sea Eagles, relatives of the Bald Eagle!
Along the waterfront we came upon the Fauske Folk Museum, an open-air museum with period buildings in a wonderful wooded park.

The log buildings have sod roofs, there is even a two story house with a sod roof!

A slate roofed house looks rather small.

But when you peek in the windows the rooms seem much larger and well furnished!

The Boat House is right at the waterline, at low tide the art installation sculptures look like hybrid stone and steel water creatures climbing out of the sea onto land!

And finally, at the far end of the park we found a patch of raspberries in the woods and picked as many as we could and ate them on the spot!