Paria, Pahreah -March 25
We started down one of the dirt backroads to visit the Paria Movie Set in the Paria river canyon. The road was okay until the last 1/4 mile down a steep incline to the movie set site. We were just barely able to turn the truck around and head back uphill and park. We met some BLM workers on the way up the hill and suggested they move the “High-Clearance 4 Wheel Drive Needed” sign to a better turnaround spot! We walked down the hill to see the sites, unfortunately the movie set was burned down by arsonists in 2006, but the scenery was impressive enough. Further along the wide canyon floor was a cemetery, all that’s left of the town of Pahreah settled around 1873 and virtually abandoned in 1883.
April 3rd, 2010 at 3:56 am
Don’t “catch” any bugs, Robert! (Thanks for the arid-lands photos; warms my heart—and glad to “hear” from you both!)