Aug. 15 – Milbrook Cove
We anchored in Milbrook Cove, a tiny cove with a tricky entrance, yet it still sheltered 6 boats overnight! Robert has been reading a book Dean had onboard; Glaciers, Bears and Totems, and I noticed that one of the boats looks like the sailboat pictured on the inside flap of the book. Sure enough, it’s the Osprey.

“Glaciers, Bears and Totems is a rich book of adventure travel that is as valuable for its reading fun as for its travel information.” Amazon book review
Their blog Voyages North very accurately describes the next day, Aug. 16, as we traveled past Cape Caution and across Queen Charlotte Strait to Port Hardy on the north coast of Vancouver Island. An eerie, foggy experience, we saw only one other boat as it emerged out of the fog briefly then vanished as we passed it!