April 10 Tarkine Forest (Day 196)

We woke to mixed weather, sunny and beautiful then cloudy and misty! A morning highlight was the moving of the cows. The local dairyman moved his cows to new pasture, right next to the campsite!

He used rope tied to his truck bumper as a fence to guide the cows around the corner and into their new paddock.

A last walk on the beach in the wind revealed some interesting sights. A bubbling cold water spring and barnacle encrusted flotsam.

We packed up to head out to the Tarkine Forest, the temperate rainforest on the west coast of Tasmania. The first part of the Tarkine Loop follows the west coast south past the “Edge of the World Viewing Platform” looking out at the Roaring 40’s of the Great Southern Ocean! It was roaring today, with sideways rain, so no pictures were taken! Video will be posted to the YouTube channel soon. We turned inland and entered the rainforest, quite a difference from the scrub-grass and rocky landscape along the wild west coast.

We crossed a river and saw the rainforest in the mist!

We headed up to Sumac Lookout on the Tarkine Drive. The mist was dense, almost fog, but gave the forest the wash and hue of ‘rainforest’!

We reached our campsite for the night, Julius River, and joined the one other camper to spend the dark night under the canopy of rainforest trees.

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