Aug. 2 -Wildhorse to Evans Creek (121 miles)
An early start took us through big trees along a ridge.
We then descended to Agness Road, went through the one store/motel/campground site of the town and up the Rogue River to Foster Bar. This is the take out site for the rafters on the wild and scenic river trip. We thought we might meet our friends at the take out. Their vehicles weren’t in the parking lot, so they had either finished the trip and left, or the shuttle service hadn’t delivered the vehicles to the take out yet. We took a little walk down to the river and who comes around the last bend, whooping and hollering, but our 4 friends! What timing! We had lunch with them and Mavrik played with dogs of other rafters taking out then we had to get back on the road.
We took paved Forest Service roads back towards Wolf Creek but crossed I-5 a few miles south at Sunny Valley, site of the Applegate Trail Museum. Several covered wagons in the parking lot provided a juxtaposition of old and new transportation!
We continued on paved roads into BLM land, almost getting lost on their poorly marked gravel roads. Thank goodness for GPS, how did those pioneers do it without the modern electronics? We found our previous campsite at Elderberry Flat on the West Fork of Evans Creek, but it was occupied so we explored along the creek and found a great swimming hole/campsite.