Motorcycle Heaven
Lots of roads to explore here! Is this where motorcycles go when they die? Don’t run out of gas!
Lots of roads to explore here! Is this where motorcycles go when they die? Don’t run out of gas!
We found the most interesting artifact in a cache today. Again, we had to hike up a mountain!
We moved our campsite to the south end of the mountains to find new roads and trails. We got out for a motorcycle ride and found a great route into the interior. We finally found the waterhole we had seen from a trail up to a mine site on a geocache search on Jan. 28. A helicopter had flown over us and we got a fuzzy picture of it as it hovered over the water source.
The road took us right to the waterhole, through several dry washes and past at least one mine site.
The road deteriorated but continued past the mine site we had found on Jan. 28. We parked at the bottom of the hill and hiked up, stopping to find a geocache on the way, to the top of the ridge where we looked out on familiar territory.
Robert took a ten mile hike looking for this artifact. Our friends Glen and Barb told us about this boiler sitting alone up a remote road in the mountains. There seems to be a nearby mine that this serviced, but no indication of what its service was! A big mystery in the history of the Cargo Muchacho mountains!
I caught a cold on our last resupply trip to Yuma. I confined myself to the camper for a week until I finally felt good enough to get outside. I took a short walk about a half mile from the camper and found a hillside with white quartz rocks spilling down the side. A closer look revealed beautiful purple flowers blooming among the rocks. Spring is in full swing!