Jan. 29 – Alamo Spring

Not all water sources in Kofa are developed. Alamo Spring on Wilbanks road just seeps out from under rocks into the wash that is the road!

Just past the Kofa Monument, back in the road/wash the surprising discovery of water!

Just past the Kofa Monument, back in the road/wash the surprising discovery of water!

It must be a continuous supply of water for the algae to be so thick!

It must be a continuous supply of water for the algae to be so thick!


Florida State Parks and the CCC

During the winter of 2006/07 we camped at several Florida State Parks. While the natural beauty of the landscape and wildlife is memorable, and very diverse, I was taken aback by the planning and construction performed by the Civilian Conservation Corps. Having made a living working with my hands in a past life, my respect for these young men is endless. Many of them developed skills to become great artisans. Over several winters in Florida we have visited 4 of the 8 Parks that were constructed by the CCC. Gold Head Branch State Park has a great display and tribute to the CCC. I will let the following pictures tell the story. Please note that to enlarge the picture just “left click” on the photo. Use the “back button” to return to the web site.












Summer camping at the Metolius River, OR

When vacationing in Central Oregon, a day spent soaking in the beauty of the Metolius River is a must. Nick, Kim and I spent a couple of days camping at Canyon Creek campground in early July. Nick and Kim had the luxury of sleeping in Nicks VW while I enjoyed the confines of a borrowed tent. Nick generously and patiently gave me my first fly fishing lesson, looking back, he hasn’t asked me to go fishing with him since.




Thoughts of dryer lands

As I enjoy the warm and dry confines of our camper (it has been raining since yesterday) my thoughts revert back to January of 2005, a warmer and dryer time and place. On a lonely road in southern Arizona I came across this Saguaro Cactus Skeleton.

Same Time Last Year


We’ve taken many, many pictures since we’ve been on the road starting September, 2003. From time to time we look back at our photos and reminisce. We’ll post some of these photos in the category “Robert’s Photo Album”. Here’s where we were and what we saw a year ago today!

Deer and javelina visited our campsite at Davis Mountains Indian Lodge State Park in Texas. On our way to Big Bend National Park.


The baby of the family was so cute, but the big boar daddy was very protective!
