What More Can You Say!

All the Best to Everyone!

From the Frozen North…

To the Sultry South! We reached Arkansas a day before thunderstorms last night that will bring in a cold front. Yesterday was a balmy 63 degrees, tomorrow will be in the 30’s.

X Marks the Spot

The X is in the southern sky. That's the way we're heading, looking for sun and warmth (at least above 32 degrees)!

Winter’s Icy Grip

The mighty Mississippi stilled by the icy touch of winter. A little patch of open water is still visible.

The freeze and thaw cycles produced these icicles. I don't remember feeling the thaw cycles though!

Boxing Day

Our annual trek (semi-annual this year) to “Zum Golden Frosch” in Fountain City, Wisconsin. No boxing on the TV’s, but the Chicago Bears were playing.